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Taizé Services Resume

Comox United Church is inviting folks to start off the Fall season by participating in a Taizé  prayer service on Friday, September 6th.

The Taizés will then take place every 1st and 3rd Friday from 12:15 to 12:45 pm. However, no service on October 4, December 20 or January 3.

All services will be held downstairs in Room L1. Please use the entrance on the lower parking lot. For more information please call 250-339-3966.

The focus of Taizé  worship is the music. The short melodies and simple words of the songs give a meditative quality to the singing. In between songs and readings there are quiet times, allowing us to let go of worries and to enter into silent communication with the divine.

To read the article on our Taize services in the Comox Record, click here

For more information, please talk to Arlene Bell or Marni Fisher after the Sunday service. And please spread the word about this new addition to our fall worship!