Givings and Bequests - Comox United Church

Comox United Church and its many ministries are funded almost exclusively by the financial gifts of its members and the wider community. There are many ways to give. Comox United Church is a registered charity, and all donations over $20 with names and email addresses or mailing information will receive a tax-deductible charitable receipt.

Best:  Pre-Authorized Remittance   (Regular Automatic Withdrawal or Credit Card giving)

The best way to give is by signing up for PAR--Pre-Authorized Remittance. When you sign up for this, your offering is withdrawn automatically from your bank account or charged to your credit card at the same time every month. Note that all your donation goes to Comox United Church.  The Church pays a small administrative fee.

This way is best for us because it requires very little administration, requires no physical counting, and ensures consistent giving that helps us plan our finances.

This way is best for you because you don't have to worry about carrying cash or signing cheques, and it's the way for you to set aside your giving before anything else.

To sign up for PAR, or to change your PAR contribution, email the envelope secretary: 

For more information on PAR Click Here 

Please note that Comox United Church gives 10% of all givings to our church to the National Church's Mission and Service program.

Next Best: Online Giving/E-Transfer

To make a donation immediately, send your e-transfer directly to:  

You can also make ongoing weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly donations through e-transfer which deposits the money directly into our bank.   For information on how to do this please contact the church office at 250-339-3966.

This way is very helpful for us because it requires little administration and no counting of funds, and is deposited in our account automatically on a monthly basis. If you sign up for monthly giving, this option is better than giving envelopes. Note that all your donation goes to Comox United Church.  The Church pays a small administrative fee.

NextEST Best: Weekly Offering Envelopes


Weekly offering envelopes come with a personal giving number for you. This way you can tuck your cash or cheque in during the week so it's ready to drop on the offering plate on Sunday or in the office mailbox during the week.

These are helpful for us because it is more likely to ensure consistency in giving and is far easier to count and keep track of than loose cash or cheques. Note that all your donation goes to Comox United Church.  There is no charge to the Church.

These are helpful to you because they are a good reminder and an easy way to divide up your givings.

The only downside for us is that you might forget to get them to the church. 

To sign up for offering envelopes, simply email church Office Then you'll be assigned your number and you can pick up the envelopes on Sunday morning or the office during the week.

Still Pretty darn good: one time donations by cash or cheque


We are, of course, grateful for any and all of your generous gifts. You can donate by cash or cheque on our offering plate any Sunday, drop it by the office while it's open or in the church mailslot when it's not, or mail it in if it's a cheque. Our mailing address is 250 Beach Drive, Comox, BC, V9M 1P9.

Note that all your donation goes to Comox United Church.  There is no charge to the church.

Canada Helps:

If you prefer, we have an account with Canada Helps, a charity giving clearing house which will process your credit card donation to Comox United Church.  The advantage to you is that you will get an immediate tax receipt for your full donation.  The disadvantage to us is that Canada Helps charges Comox United Church an administration fee (from 2% to 3% depending on the size of your donation).  You can donate to Canada Helps by clicking Here or the button below.

Donate Now Through!

Donate Online through

We are also able to accept online donations using a service associated with our website.  This site can be used to make one-time donations using a recognized credit card.  Note that there is a 2.9% administrative fee and a 30 cent transaction fee both paid by the Church.


In Memory Of:  Often when a loved one, friend, relative, or other important person in your life passes away, you may wish to remember them in some tangible way.   You may, if you choose, make a gift to Comox United in memory of that person.    Please contact our office for information on how to direct your memorial gift.

Another way to give is by way of bequest in one's will.

 One can designate money to specific areas of the work of Comox United Church, to capital improvements, or to a legacy that will be determined by the Church Council.    

Legacy monies are treated very carefully by Comox United, with the primary focus being on the wishes of the donor.   

Financial planners, lawyers drafting wills, and church officials are sources of information on how to do this in a planned, focussed, and tax-benefit way.  

 Why leave money to Comox United?    Several donors have - and each for their own reasons. The common thread has been a strong belief in the work of Comox United, the community it supports, and the programs that are enhanced by our church.  

Our ministerial team and council executive can be of assistance if you have questions or need more information.