Let’s get together and have fun with music! Music builds community and makes for fun time together. The first night we will decide what we want to do. Want to sing karaoke? Want to bring your instrument and jam? Greg Olynyk will provide drums/percussion.
Location and time: the church hall & sanctuary on the following Saturday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30:
Jan 20, 27; Feb 3; Mar 2, 9, 23, 30;
and Friday, February 23rd
Some possible ideas: Celtic music with David on fiddle, Greg on snare drum or bongos, others on spoons, boran, shakers, etc., Guitar songs sing-along, percussion, snare, congas, bongos, spoons, etc.
Bring song books.
Projection of music videos with lyrics for sing-along karaoke.
Have questions? Email olynyk.greg@gmail.com or text/call Greg 250-218-4639